
New Database - Book Review Index Online Plus

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Library recently added Book Review Index Online Plus to its growing collection of electronic resources. BRIO-Plus joins other full-text book review sources available from our website such as The London Review of Books, The New York Review of Books, and the Times Literary Supplement (1902-2008).

BRIO-Plus is a searchable database with over 600,000 full-text book reviews and millions of citations culled from over 400 scholarly and popular periodicals. Selective coverage begins in the mid-1960s and continues through the current year. Full-text reviews are available from sources such as Library Journal, Booklist, Publishers Weekly, The Spectator, New Statesman, The Economist, The Atlantic, Kirkus, Commentary, The Globe & Mail, Tablet, The Weekly Standard, The American Scholar, History Today, The Nation, and more. Keep in mind that the scope of full-text coverage varies widely among periodicals.

The database is available in the Library or remotely for members who are logged in to the website.

To access the database, 

1. Click on the Our Collection tab on the Library's homepage.
2. In the Digital Collections box at lower right, click View All Electronic Resources or Find Book Reviews.

The search interface is admittedly clunky, but it is easy to use. Choose from author or title search options on the left of the screen by clicking on Author Guide or Title Guide. Note that you may limit your search to articles with text, by date, and so forth, before entering your search term.

The Library currently provides members with access to 19 esteemed databases, including JSTOR, Project MUSE, full-text historical content for the New York Herald Tribune and the New York Times, as well as several Oxford University Press resources. Browse our full list of our electronic resources here and watch this space for new additions as they become available. For assistance with any of the Library's databases, stop by the Reference Desk.

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