Library Blog

BOOK SALE - Saturday, May 18, 9-2 p.m. Bring a bag!

Friday, May 10, 2013

For your browsing pleasure this year, we're adding a spring book sale.  We have an extraordinary collection of new and used books: fiction, politics, reference, history, children's books, art, and much, much more.  In late winter, a generous art collector and philanthropist donated hundreds of gallery and museum exhibition catalogs, all in good condition.  We (OK I) hate to part with them, and we've added some to our art collection, but the rest have to find new homes.

We have all kinds of fiction, both new and used.  We've weeded our duplicate shelves and will be selling all those books that had endless lists of holds during the past few years.  Now you can finally get your hands on that novel without 30 other avid readers breathing down your neck.  AND we had some great donations - classics, popular and literary fiction, and best-sellers - for summer reading or for placing carefully in your collection of first editions.

We're teeming with history, ancient through contemporary - wars, famines, plagues, literary luminaries, Big Names, heinous politicians, rotten systems.  And to appeal to your creative or destructive side we have books with interesting/humorous/lovely covers and great illustrations.  We have heard that some people make a practice of altering old books in the interests of art.  If you are that kind of person, there's certainly lots of material for you at the book sale.

So come out one and all, on Saturday, May 18, and bring taxi money - you'll need it!



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