MARRIED 1857: In this city, on Thursday, Jan. 15, at the Church of the Ascension, by Rev. Dr. Bedell, Francis A. De Wint, to Emelie Adele Hoyt, daughter of Mr. Jesse Hoyt.
MARRIED 1857: On Tuesday, Jan. 27, by Rev. G.T. Bedell, Maria Antoinette, only daughter of Dr. C.R. Bogert, to Louis T. Hoyt, all of this city.
MARRIED 1857: On Tuesday, Jan. 27, at St. Bartholomew's Church, by Rev. Mr. Jackson, Mr. R. McCoskry Butt, to Miss Fannis Morris, daughter of Francis Morris, Esq., of Throg's Neck, Westchester Co., N.Y.
MARRIED 1857: Minot--Grafton--On Wednesday, Jan. 28, in this city, by the Rev. Charles C. Grafton, C.H. Minot, to Maria Josephine, daughter of Maj. Joseph Grafton of Boston.
MARRIED 1857: Stiles--Wells--On Thursday, Nov. 27, at the American Consulate, Leghern, R. Cresson Stiles, M.D., of Westchester, Fenn, to Maria C., eldest daughter of Dr. Thos. Wells, late of Columbia, S.C.
MARRIED 1857: On Wednesday evening, Jan. 28, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Frederick Sheldon, Jr., to Amey Richmond, daughter of Danl. B. Fearing.
MARRIED 1857: On Thursday, 5th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Cook, Joseph P. Norris, Jr., Esq., of Philadelphia, to Frances Ann, daughter of John A. Stevens, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1857: On Monday, Feb. 16, at Grace Church, by Rev. Dr. Taylor, Henry S. Rodman, to Elizabeth Bayard, daughter of the late Jacob Lorillard.
MARRIED 1857: Livingston--Coster--On Wednesday, Feb. 18, at the Church of St Francis Xavier by the Rev. M. Driscoll, S.J., Walter L., son of the late Henry W. Livingston, esq., to Silvie Adeline, daughter of the late Washington Coster, esq.
MARRIED 1857: Bull--De Ruyter--On Thursday, Feb. 19, by the Rev. Dr. Forbes, George W. Bull, Jr., of Baltimore, to Cecilia M., daughter of the late John De Ruyter, of this city.
MARRIED 1857: Cook--Blunt--On Thursday, Feb. 19, at Trinity Chapel, by the Rev. R.M. Abererombie, of Hartford, Conn., Charles A. Cook, to Sarah H. Blunt, daughter of the late N. Bowditch Blunt, of this city.
MARRIED 1857: Sedgwick--Valerio--On the 21st inst., by the Rev. Dr. Bellows, Katharine M. Sedgwick, Jr., to Joseph Valerio, all of this city.
MARRIED 1857: Morton--Van Boskerck--On Saturday, Feb. 21, by the Rev. Dr. Morton, at Trinity Church, Hoboken, N.J., Edward Rutledge Morton, to Miss Maggie, daughter of the late Abraham L. Van Boskerck.
MARRIED 1857: Lengnick--Griffin--At Dresden, in the Garrison Church, on the 23d February last, Karl Emil Lengnick, 1st Lieutenant of Artillery, in the service of His Majesty the King of Saxony, to Emily Seton, daughter of the late Francis Griffin, of New York.
MARRIED 1857: Feb. 26, by the Rev. Dr. De Witt, John Dwight, of Boston, to Julia Lawrence, daughter of G.D. Hasbrouck, of this city.