Appelt, Kathi Max Attacks
Barnett, Mac Just Because
Bartoletti, Susan Campbell How Women Won the Vote
Bruchac, Joseph Chester Nez and the Unbreakable Code
Climo, Liz Please Don't Eat Me
de Paola, Tomie Andy and Sandy and the First Snow
Elliott, Zetta Dragons in a Bag
Fogliano, Julie Just in Case You Want to Fly
Hare, John Field Trip to the Moon
Hills, Tad Rocket the Brave
Howe, James Houndsley and Catina: Plink and Plunk
James, Anna The Bookwanderers
Knapman, Timothy Luisa Siempre Va Con Prisa
Macfarlane, Robert The Lost Words
McCloskey, Kevin The Real Poop on Pigeons
Meddour, Wendy Lubna and Pebble
Morris, Richard T. Bear Came Along
Parr, Maria Astrid the Unstoppable
Rubin, Susan Goldman Give us the Vote
Rylant, Cynthia Little Penguins
Snyder, Laurel My Jasper June
Sorell, Traci We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga
Stott, Ann Want to Play Trucks?
Suen, Anastasia Subway
Taylor, Mark Henry Explores the Jungle
Wang, Jen Stargazing