Arnold, Quinn M. Freight Trains
Barrett, Judi Planet of the Pies
Chin, Jason The Universe in You: A Microscopic Journey
Drozd, Anne Science Comics: Rockets: Defying Gravity
Elliott, Rachel The Real Riley Mayes
Emberley, Michael I Did It!
Harrington, C.C. Wildoak
Hudson, Cheryl Willis Hands Can
Isadora, Rachel Peekaboo Morning
Keane, Dave The Treasure Box
Lloyd, Natalie Hummingbird
Luqman-Dawson, Amina Freewater
Murphy, Mary I Kissed the Baby
Ortega, Claribel A. Witchlings
Otheguy, Emma Reina Ramos Works it Out
Paul, Baptiste Climb On!
Peot, Margaret The Science of Light: Things that Shine, Flash, and Glow
Plohl, Igor Happy Again
Quackenbush, Robert Rickshaw to Horror
Reul, Sarah Lynne Bubbie & Rivka's Best-Ever Challah
Ruzzier, Sergio Fish & Wave
Salati, Doug Hot Dog
Schuh, Mari Diego's Visit to the Dentist
Silverberg, Cory What Makes a Baby
Soundar, Chitra Holi Hai!
Theule, Larissa Concrete from the Ground Up
Tonatiuh, Duncan A Land of Books Dreams of Young Mexihcah Word Painters
Watson, Renee Maya's Song
Yee, Lisa Maizy Chen's Last Chance
Yonezu, Yusuke Sharing