Alexander, Kwame The Door of No Return
Alexander, Zeno The Library of Ever
Avi Ragweed & Poppy
Barrett, Mary Brigid Pat-a-cake
Cali, Davide Too Many Pigs and One Big Bad Wolf
Cordell, Matthew Cornbread & Poppy at the Carnival
Dawnay, Gabby If I Had a Kangaroo
Evans, Gabriel Norton and the Bear
Haas, Jesse Bramble and Maggie: Give and Take
Holzweiss, Kristina A. My First Book of Trains
King, Amy Sarig Attack of the Black Rectangles
Kinney, Jeff Diper Överlöde
Kuefler, Joseph The Digger and the Duckling
Lloyd-Jones, Sally Tiny Cedric
Mann, Michael Ghostcloud
Meganck, Margaux People are Wild
Otheguy, Emma Reina Ramos Works it Out
Paulsen, Bree Garlic & the Witch
Phelan, Matt The Sheep, the Rooster, and the Duck
Quackenbush, Robert Henry's Pizzas
Rex, Michael Your Pal Fred
Rodari, Gianni Telling Stories Wrong
Skomsvold, Kjersti Bedtime for Bo
Snyder, Laurel Charlie & Mouse Are Magic
Soontornvat, Christina To Change a Planet
Soundar, Chitra Sona Sharma Very Best Big Sister
Spiegelman, Nadja & Sergio García Sánchez Blancaflor: The Hero with Secret Powers
Tabor, Corey Fox Versus Winter
Willems, Mo The Frustrating Book
Zommer, Yuvel A Thing Called Snow