First Chapter Books For Newly Independent Readers

Jenny and the Cat Club Book Cover
Soraya Book Cover
The Stories Huey Tells Book Cover
Book Uncle and Me Book Cover
Juana & Lucas
Diva and Flea Book Cover

Great transitional titles for readers starting on their own

Adler, David. Cam Jansen (series

Alikahn, Salima. Soraya & The Mermaid

Averill, Esther. Jenny and the Cat Club (series)

Barrows, Annie. Ivy + Bean (series)

Blume, Judy. Freckle Juice

Branford, Anna. Violet Mackerel's Brilliant Plot

Brisson, Pat. Hot Fudge Hero and Little Sister, Big Sister

Broach, Elise. The Miniature World of Marvin & James

Brown, Jeff. Flat Stanley (series)

Brown, Marc. Arthur (series)

Brown, Margaret Wise. Sneakers

Brown, Palmer. Hickory

Bulla, Clyde Robert. Pirate's Promise

Byars, Betsy. Tornado

Calmenson, Stephanie and Cole, Joanna. The Gator Girls (series)

Cameron, Ann. Gloria's Way, The Stories Huey Tells, and The Stories Julian Tells 

Catalanotto, Peter. Monkey & Robot (series)

Christopher, Matt. Peach Street Mudders (series)

Clements, Andrew. Jake Drake (series)

Cohen, Miriam. Mimmy and Sophie: All Around the Town

Cooper, Ilene. Look at Lucy!

Dalgliesh, Alice. The Bears on Hemlock Mountain

Danziger, Paula. Amber Brown is Not a Crayon (series)

Davis, Gibbs. Camp Sink or Swim

De Paola, Tomie. 26 Fairmount Avenue (series)

DiCamillo, Kate. Mercy Watson (series) and Tales from Deckawoo Drive (series)

Dumon Tak, Bibi. Mikis and the Donkey

Etra, Jonathan and Spinner, Stephanie. Aliens for Breakfast and Aliens for Lunch

Fine, Anne. The Jamie and Angus Stories (series)

Fleischman, Sid. The Adventures of McBroom (series

Godden, Rumer. Mouse House

Greenburg, Dan. Zack Files (series) and Why I Was Late for School Again

Haas, Jessie. Bramble and Maggie and Runaway Radish

Hale, Shannon. The Princess in Black (series)

Hanlon, Abby. Dory Fantasmagory (series)

Hannigan, Katherine. Emmaline and the Bunny

Hesse, Karen. Lavender and Sable    

Hughes, Shirley. Digby O'Day in the Fast Lane (series)

Hurwitz, Johanna. Elisa (series), Russell and Nora (series), Pee Wee's Tale (series)

Kelly, Jacqueline. Calpurnia Tate, Girl Vet (series)

Kerrin, Jessica Scott. Martin Bridge Ready for Takeoff! (series)

King-Smith, Dick. Lady Lollipop, The Mouse Family Robinson, Smasher, and Sophie's Snail

Kline, Suzy. Horrible Harry (series)

Koller, Jackie French. Mole and Shrew Are Two

Krishnaswami, Uma. Book Uncle and Me

LaCour, Nina. The Apartment House on Poppy Hill (series)

Lagercrantz, Rose. My Happy Life (series)

Landon, Lucinda. Meg Mackintosh (series)

Levy, Elizabeth. The Cool Ghoul Mystery

Lowry, Lois. Gooney Bird Greene (series)

McCall Smith, Alexander. The Great Cake Mystery (series)

Macdonald, Maryann. No Room for Francie

McDonald, Megan. Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid

McKay, Hilary. Lulu and Duck in the Park (series)

MacLachlan, Patricia. Sarah, Plain and Tall (series

McPhail, David Piggy's Pancake Parlor

Marshall, James. Rats on the Range

Medina, Juana. Juana & Lucas (series)

Michaels, Anne. The Adventures of Miss Petitfour

Nilsson, Ulf. Detective Gordon (series)

Osborne, Mary Pope. Magic Tree House (series)

Park, Barbara. Junie B. Jones (series)

Pennypacker, Sara. Stuart's Cape

Pinkwater, Daniel. Mrs. Noodlekugel

Quackenbush, Robert M. Miss Mallard (series)

Quigley, Dawn. Jo Jo Makoons

Romito, Dee. The Birthday Castle

Rylant, Cynthia. The Cobble Street Cousins (series) and The Storm

Sachar, Louis. Marvin Redpost (series

Sachs, Marilyn. JoJo & Winnie (series)

Sanvoisin, Eric. The Ink Drinker

Schertle, Alice. Look Out, Jeremy Bean!

Schlitz, Laura Amy. Princess Cora and the Crocodile

Scieszka, Jon. Time Warp Trio (series)

Selznick, Brian. The Houdini Box

Tashjian, Janet. Marty Frye, Private Eye

Tate, Lindsey. Kate Larkin, the Bone Expert

Taylor, Mark. Mr. Pepper Stories

Vail, Rachel. A is for Elizabeth

Weber, Susan Bartlett. Seal Island School (series)

Willems, Mo. The Story of Diva and Flea

Winthrop, Elizabeth. Belinda's Hurricane

Wojciechowski, Susan. Don't Call Me Beanhead