Benton, Jim Comet the Unstoppable Reindeer
Boyer, Crispin Top Secret: Spies, Codes, Capers, Gadgets, and Classified Cases Revealed
Browne, Mahogany L. Woke Baby
Dargent, Nathalie The Christmas Feast
Dawnay, Gabby If I Had a Sleepy Sloth
Feder, Tyler Bodies are Cool
Floca, Brian Keeping the City Going
Glaser, Karina The Vanderbeekers Make a Wish
Grandin, Temple Outdoor Scientist: The Wonder of Observing the Natural World
Hale, Nathan Big Bad Ironclad
Hale, Shannon Friends Forever
Harper, Cherise Mericle Bad Sister
Hawthorne, Lara Silent Night
Hood, Susan The Last Straw: Kids Vs. Plastics
Lai, Remy Pawcasso
Lerwill, Ben One World, Many Colors
Long, David Amazing Treasures: 100+ Objects and Places That Will Boggle Your Mind
Mirchandani, Raakhee Hair Twins
Nickel, Sandra Nacho's Nachos
Pennypacker, Sara Pax: Journey Home
Pilkey, Dav Cat Kid Comic Club
Sell, Chad The Cardboard Kingdom: Roar of the Beast
Selznick, Brian Kaleidoscope
Smith, Cynthia Leitich Sisters of the Neversea
Tarlow, Ellen Looking for Smile
Tsurumi, Andrea I'm On It!
Urban, Linda Mabel and Sam at Home
Van Ness, Jonathan Peanut Goes for the Gold
Weinberg, Steven The Middle Kid
Yang, Kelly Room to Dream