Go vote, then take a break from the stress and talking heads at the Library.
If you're in the neighborhood on November 5 or 6, drop in to the Library for light refreshments and opportunities to engage with or tune out the news.
We all destress in different ways, but here is a sampling of books that might help some of us:
The chocolate bible by Adrianne Marcus.
Cocoa and chocolate : a short history of their production and use, with full and particular account of their properties, and of the various methods of preparing them for food by James M. Bugbee.
Coming to our senses : healing ourselves and the world through mindfulness by Jon Kabat-Zinn.
Mind in the balance : meditation in science, Buddhism, and Christianity by B. Alan Wallace.
Why we meditate : the science and practice of clarity and compassion by Daniel Goleman and Tsoknyi Rinpoche ; with Adam Kane.
The book of cocktail ratios : the surprising simplicity of classic cocktails by Michael Ruhlman ; illustrations by Marcella Kriebel.
The drunken botanist : the plants that create the world's great drinks by Amy Stewart.
The essential bar book : an A-to-Z guide to spirits, cocktails, and wine, with 115 recipes for the world's great drinks by Jennifer Fiedler.
Or you can check out our past recommendations related to funny fiction, romance, or comfort reading.