
Keep a Poem in Your Pocket All Day Long

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

It's National Poetry Month and on Thursday, April 21, the Children's Library will celebrate Poem in Your Pocket Day. We invite members of all ages to join us for our annual poetry party. When you visit the Children’s Library on the third floor, you can select a pocket-sized poem to carry with you and share with others all day long. We will have many to choose from, including this most appropriate selection:

Keep a Poem in Your Pocket
by Beatrice Schene de Regniers

Keep a poem in your pocket
and a picture in your head
and you'll never feel lonely 
at night when you're in bed.

The little poem will sing to you
the little picture bring to you
a dozen dreams to dance to you
at night when you're in bed.

So--keep a picture in your pocket
and a poem in your head
and you'll never be lonely
at night when you're in bed.

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