Take a bite out of these great chapter books set in NYC!
Aronson, Marc Four Streets and a Square YA 974.71 A
Broach, Elise. Masterpiece
Cane, Tina. Alma Presses Play
Cohen, Miriam. Mimmy & Sophie: All Around the Town
Collins, Suzanne. Gregor the Overlander (series)
Cummings, Pat. Trace YA-C
Enright, Elizabeth. The Saturdays
Fitzgerald, Laura Marx. Under the Egg
Glaser, Karina Yan. The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street (series)
Gopnik, Adam. The Steps Across the Water
Greenwald, Sheila. Rosy Cole's Worst Ever, Best Yet Tour of New York City (series)
Holland, Gini. The Empire State Building Juv. 725 H
Hopkinson,Deborah. Shutting Out the Sky Juv. 307.76 H
Hurwitz, Johanna. Pee Wee's Tale (series) and Riverside Kids (series)
Kelley, Jane. The Book of Dares for Lost Friends
Konigsburg, E.L. From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
Levine, Gail Carson. Dave at Night
McDonough, Yona Z. The Doll Shop Downstairs (series)
Marcus, Leonard Storied City Juv. 917.471 M
Marx, Trish. Steel Drumming at the Apollo Juv. 785 M
Matsen, Brad. Go Wild in New York City Juv. 508 M
Merrill, Jean. The Pushcart War
Myers, Walter Dean. Here in Harlem: Poems in Many Voices Juv. 822 M
Older, Daniel Jose. Dactyl Hill Squad
Park, Linda Sue. Keeping Score
Peck, Richard. Voices After Midnight
Rector, Anne Elizabeth. Anne Elizabeth's Diary
Rubin, Sean. Bolivar
Ruby, Laura. York (YA series)
Sandler, Martin W. Island of Hope Juv. 325.73 S and Secret Subway Juv. 388 S
Sawyer, Ruth. Roller Skates
Seidler, Tor. Oh, Rats!
Selden, George. The Cricket in Times Square
Selznick, Brian. Kaleidoscope and Wonderstruck
Sherry, Maureen. Walls Within Walls
Shulman, Polly. The Grimm Legacy and The Wells Bequest
Spiegelman, Nadja. Lost in NYC Juv. 741.5 S
Stead, Rebecca. When You Reach Me (and other titles)
Stevens, Robin. The Guggenheim Mystery
Taylor, Sydney. All-of-a-Kind Family (series)
Thermes, Jennifer. Manhattan: Mapping the Story of An Island Juv. 974.71 T
Van Leeuwen, Jean. The Great Googlestein Museum Mystery
Watson, Renee. Some Places More Than Others
Weston, Carol. Melanie in Manhattan
Williams-Garcia, Rita. P.S. Be Eleven
Winthrop, Elizabeth. The Red-Hot Rattoons